If Your Bank Doesn't Want to Compete, Say Good Bye!

There are good benefits to financing through Community Mortgage.

Losing your home and property truly is a big loss (e.g., lower credit rating, financial loss, credit refusal, higher interest rates and what about the family, how will losing the family home effect the kids, will they be forced to go to a new school ? ). You need to take action when a power of sale or foreclosure notice has been given to you.

If you’re facing statutory legal action or repossession action based on what was stipulated in your mortgage contract, you need to act now.

Community Mortgage to the Rescue

Community Mortgage has access to a much wider range of lenders and policy options. That provides you with the flexibility you want. You can choose the variable rate or fixed rate policy that makes sense for you, or the length of term, and any other coverage/features you really want. We have no allegiance to the banks and want you to have the best possible policy. Our goal is to have the banks compete for your business, it only makes sense and it doesn’t cost you anything to find out how it works.

You must give your bank 21 days notice before the end of your term when you switch or terminate. We will handle the mortgage switch for you. It’s easy. Just call us.

24-Hour Approval - Apply Today!

Whether you are looking to invest, consolidate, repair or rebuild, allow our qualified mortgage experts to provide you with the best financial options on the market, no matter the circumstances.

Apply online for a free, confidential assessment with no appointment required!

With Community Mortgage, finding the right financing just got easier.